Portrait photographer Israel

Hello, my name Is Max and I’m portraits photographer, doing portraits mainly in photo studio in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

I’m doing personal portraits for people. It can be portrait for anyone that needs a photo of himself for any reason. It can be for social network, for your portfolio as a official photo of yourself. Maybe you are an artist and need a photo of you as a creator or any other type of creative person. It can be for yourself or your personal album.

צלם פורטרטים

It's important to understand that I’m not a kids/family funny portraits photographer, but I’m doing a thought-out portrait sessions for one person. I can take into account you and your story. Anyone of us have some story and life route we went through till today. It can be done in studio or some place you are related to or place you have connection to that have some importance.

פורטרטים צילום


Portrait photograph isn’t a commercial photograph even it can be such. The difference is mild. Commercial portraits have some commercial reason for that, some marketing reason, it differs in that it’s not personal. Portrait photograph is a personal, it looks into a person “soul” through eyes and body position. In contrast commercial photograph have some commercial intent, maybe it’s done for the owner of business or to some freelancer in order to show his business. It’s more commercial and less personal.

Personal portraits have their place. They can be more touching. In some cases, some accessories can be brought with you, some personal things you want to be in photograph. Maybe you play on guitar, or you like a wood work, maybe you have some other hobby and it can be show on images. Maybe you are a biker or bicyclist and want to show your portrait with it on some landscape.

When someone needs personal portraits, I can ask personal questions. Their goal is to understand better what can I do to make the portrait personal and not just funny face, even sometimes neutral faces a better for true personal images. I can think about the idea of what and how to do your portrait. It can be a cool concept I can develop with you.

As with commercial portraits, same with personal, the clothes have important role. Usually you will bring some clothes to change if it’s in studio, maybe a second shirt for outside. In studio there are some plain backgrounds while outside the backgrounds can be a different ones, some architectural cool places or a sea.

צלם פורטרטים

Personal portraits are not edited like a commercial ones, where serious skin retouching is done. In personal portraits, I keep the level of genuineness and not reducing 20 years for a person. The more truthful, the better.

If you plan to do a personal portrait you can contact me and we will think about a nice idea to do some interesting photo for you.

You can see gallery of my personal portraits i'm doing in phot studio here.

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